Pitzer in Costa Rica Summer Health Program

Photo of students in scrubs in Costa Rica


值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台与中美洲发展研究所合作举办, 哥斯达黎加夏季健康项目在克莱蒙特春季学期开始,学生们参加一个半课程的研讨会,向他们介绍哥斯达黎加, epidemiology, important public health concepts, and intercultural learning. 该项目在初夏转移到哥斯达黎加,为期六周, usually from late May through early July. Through intensive Spanish language courses, a seminar on health and health care in Costa Rica, internships, and family stays, 学生探索中美洲的医疗保健,同时进一步提高他们的西班牙语技能,并了解哥斯达黎加的生活和文化. 

Eligibility and Prerequisites

  • 哥斯达黎加夏季健康项目对值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的学生和克莱蒙特学院的学生开放 
  • Students must have a 2.0 or higher GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • 在参加暑期课程之前,需要完成大学第二学期的西班牙语或证明同等水平. 希望最大化学习和实习机会的学生优先选择第三或第四学期.
  • Students are required to complete the 1/2 credit course CGS 101 Health and Health Care in Costa Rica 在匹泽学院的春季学期,在夏季参加之前授课

Program Dates

  • 春季学期半学分课程:在克莱蒙特大约有九次班会 
  • 暑期课程:5月下旬至7月初在哥斯达黎加学习6周

Courses & Credits

CourseClaremont CreditsSemester Credits
CGS 101 Health and Health Care in Costa Rica 
*Required pre-requisite course offered on-campus in the Spring
Sociology of Health & Health Care in Costa Rica1.04
Intensive Spanish Language1.04

Program Information


本课程提供了哥斯达黎加健康和医疗保健的概述. Internships, lectures by program faculty, presentations from organizations, site visits, 和引人入胜的作业允许学生探索哥斯达黎加的流行病学, 哥斯达黎加卫生保健系统的结构和筹资, women’s health issues, and environmental health. 该课程包括哥斯达黎加的社会和经济历史的概述,这对于理解哥斯达黎加的健康和医疗保健的背景是必不可少的. 对于匹泽学生,本课程将满足匹泽的社会责任实践(SRX)要求.

核心课程的亮点是每周14-16小时的强化实习,为期四周. 实习使学生有机会重点了解特定机构在解决哥斯达黎加保健问题方面发挥的作用. 学生可以获得机构运作的模型和假设的第一手经验, the particular problem solving strategies it utilizes, and the financial, 它为解决这些问题带来了智力和技术资源. Past students have: 

  • assisted health outreach workers on home visits
  • 在一个营养不良的学龄前儿童营养项目工作
  • 与哥斯达黎加国家卫生研究所进行了实地工作
  • worked in local clinics
  • supported community health posts
  • volunteered with organizations that service disabled children
  • taught at a school for disabled children

Intensive Spanish Language

Intensive Spanish is offered at the beginner, 通过中美洲发展研究所(ICADS)提供中级和高级课程. With a maximum of four students per teacher, the course employs a highly communicative, 互动课程,强调口语和书面西班牙语,并与家庭住宿体验密切相关, the health care course, internships, and other field activities. 学生每周上12到14个小时的语言课,总共大约60个小时的课堂教学. 西班牙语已经流利的学生可以独立学习感兴趣的西班牙语主题(文化), history, literature, etc.).

哥斯达黎加家庭住宿提供了一个了解文化的窗口,因为家庭在日常生活中包括学生. 通常情况下,与寄宿家庭成员发展起来的关系会发展成持续很长时间的友谊,直到项目结束. 家庭住宿在ICADS步行30分钟的范围内. 两名学生通常被分配到离得很近的家里,这样学生每天就有人陪着走路去上课,晚上也可以一起打车回家.


加深学生对核心课程主题的理解, there are several site visits in or near San José, and two more major study trips. 每个夏天的学习旅行都有所不同,但过去的旅行包括:

  • trips to national parks
  • a visit to a Nicaraguan immigrant community 
  • a visit to banana or pineapple plantations
  • visits to an urban precario (settlement) 
  • an extended weekend study trip to a cloud forest 
  • a longer study trip to the Caribbean coast

How to Apply

Application Steps and Deadlines for Pitzer College Students

Application Steps for Non-Pitzer Students

Before You Go

Passport: Everyone on the program needs a passport. Check the expiration date. 如果你的护照在你计划从国外学习归来后的六个月内没有有效的, then you will need to renew your passport.

Pre-Departure Spring Course and Orientation: After students apply and are accepted into the program, 他们将在春季学期参加1/2学分的课程,为他们在哥斯达黎加的项目做准备. 本课程将介绍重要的学术概念和文化背景, health and safety information, and logistics for the in country program. 

Summer Program Fees: The 2024 Summer Program fee was $12,000. The cost for the 2025 summer program will be updated shortly. The cost covers tuition for two courses, all program activities and study trips, full room and board, and round-trip flight. 经济援助将提供给通常获得经济援助的值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台学生. 接受援助的学生应该联系财政援助办公室,了解如何将他们的一揽子计划应用于暑期课程的细节. 

Visa: Typically, U.美国护照持有者可以在抵达哥斯达黎加时获得签证. However, the visa process can change. 学生负责研究国家具体信息和签证流程.